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How do Political Parties influence Parliament?
      Background Information
     The process in which the Government works.  

Every five years an election takes place where individuals over the age of 18 vote on the next Government.


During this process each Political Party publishes a manifesto which outlines and lists the reforms which that party want to undertake if they are elected to become Government.

The manifesto itself sets out the influence that each Political Party will have on Parliament if it was to become the Government.


The largest party at the election becomes the Government and it then has five years to enact its manifesto.

Most reforms that are put before Parliament will become an Act due to the Government being the largest party which decides on what becomes law and what doesn't. 


This shows how a Political Parties manifesto and in particular the Government manifesto carries a large amount of influence in terms of what laws are passed and which ones aren't.

      The State Opening of Parliament & the Government 

The State Opening of Parliament is a huge ceremony which happens every year. During this ceremoney the Queen reads out a speech which is written by the Prime Minister. 


In this speech the Queen states clearly that 'My Government will...' which indicates that in the coming year, her Government will do what they have outlined in their manifesto.


The ruling party in the Government here demonstrated power and influence on Parliament.

     Response to Events

Political influences are in result to specific events. Some bills are in response to certain or unexceptable events. 

For example, The Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974 was created in response to the Birmingham IRA bombing. The Irish Republican Army bombed a number of pubs in Birmingham on main land and in response the Government introduced this Act.

Another example is, the Anti Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 which was a direct response to the events of the 9/11 bombing.


The Political Party that makes up the Governemnt in a large scale has a large amount of influence on Parliament when it responds to events that are unpredictable.


Europe is an external political influence on Parliament as the UK are members of the EU, the EU then becomes another Political influence.

In the European Communities Act 1972 it states that the UK is obliged to follow European Community Law in particular Parliament may be required to pass legislation in order to implement a European directive.


Europe itself is a Politial influence on our Parliament. This is due to the fact that our Parliament has to pass laws in order for the EU law to come into force.


For example, The Product Liability Directive is a piece of European Legislation that has been passed in the UK as A Consumer Protection Act  this act gives order to enact the European piece of legislation presented by the EU.

Individual MPs

Individual MPs frequently cause pressure to make some influences on Parliament to change the law. This only occurs when the individual MP has a strong and good campaign and causes a exert fair amount of influence on Parliament.


For example, the case of a young lady named Suzy Lamplugh was abducted and went missing in the early 90s. Her family set up The Suzy Lamplugh Trust in January 1998 where George Young the MP responded to the event and pushed an Act of getting private hire of taxis licenced. His aim was to provide drivers with licences which allowed them to transport passengers. George Young used the Suzy Lamplugh Trust campaign to influence Parliament to get 'The Private Hire (London) Bill 1997-1998.'

Advantages & Disadvantages of Political influence on Parliament 

The first advantage consists of Political Parties being able to respond very clearly to public requirements. For example, during the Dunblane Shooting the public required to have some action taken towards the use of hand guns. To this the Parliament was able to quickly respond to the public requirement on hand guns because it was already in power.


The second advantage is that Political Parties are able to rapidly respond to emergencies. For example, during the 9/11 the Government, Parliament and Political Parties were in the heart of the decision making process and due to them being law makers they were imediately able to make decisions and laws based on the situation.


The third advantage is that ideas for legislation are developed consistantly. As Parliament, Government and Political Parties try ideas out whilst in power or in opposition this gives them ideas for future legislation.


A final advantage is that there is flexibility to respond to other Political influences. For example, the abolition of the Death Penalty allowed Parliament to pass laws in relation to getting rid of the death penalty.




The first disadvantage is that Political influences contain a popularity contest. If people are honest, Political Parties frequently use their influence in order to in favour the electred. They do what they belive the electred wants them to do rather than whats in the best interest of the country. They do this due to politics being about power and power highly being about betting elected. The easiest way to get elected is to undertake the view of the largest population.


The second disadvantage is that flawed laws can frequently result if acts are rushed through and poorly put together. For example, the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 contains flaws as the type of dog is not stated and neither is the statement of what happens to the dog after included clearly. Therefore, allowing Political Parties to push through legislation esspecially if it is done as a court popularity can occasionally result in flawed law.


Another disadvantage is that the Political Party that is elected usually states that if they get the power they will reverse the decisions that the last Government made. For example, the Labour Party said that they will possibly repeal the Bedroom Tax Act which taxes anyone with a spare room within their household if they are elected. In order to do this the cost to repeal will be high for the next Government as the act is already in place. 



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